
Usun Bio Lab reorganizes the traditional relationship between public spaces and labs that are kept out of view from visitors. Located in a production building in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, the design organizes all the steps of production around a central social space, so as to encourage the mingling of scientists, technicians, and office workers. These new forms of social networks work towards strengthening the sense of corporate identity and stimulating innovation. [+]
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This urban masterplan project looks to the historical development of Xiegang in Dongguan, and its potential future as a site of heavy industry and node within a global network of supply and demand. This masterplan proposes that production not only stay within the city, but that it can be strengthened by creative reuse of existing networks, buildings, and skilled populations. [+]
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This project looks to revitalizing an old abandoned nautical equipment factory in Changzhou city. The city of Changzhou has in recent years attempted to rekindle interest in its industrial history, particularly with the city’s relationship to the historical Grand Canal, an important artery connecting the capital to the hinterlands and trade routes. [+]
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The original site comprised three slab blocks used for low-end production near Caohejing Industrial Park in Shanghai. This new design re-envisions these factory campuses not simply as hermetic industrial spaces, but highly enriched with cultural, commercial, office and residential spaces, thereby re-inserting industry within Shanghai’s increasing land values and efforts to push production out of the city. [+]
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Shanghai has undergone rampant de-industrialization. Pengpu, a once heavily industrialized zone has seen many of the production spaces converted into offices, malls, residences etc in recent years as ways for the city to monetize high land prices. This masterplan seeks to maintain a level of hybridity and informality found onsite, while capitalizing on its proximity to other high-end offices and health facilities. [+]
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Capitalizing on the unique topography of the site, the Shingwai Shaoguan Factory Campus marries production and office functions by inserting strips of programme into the steep topography. The building is an intersection of different users and redirects circulation, goods and workers to different parts of the larger factory campus – up the hill towards residences, east and west towards production sites, and south towards the entrance. [+]
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Tianyi Office is sited at a previous Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation bearing-bush factory. Since moving production to Anting, Shanghai, many of SAIC’s sites have since been transformed into higher-value office campuses, retail or residences. This office is located in one such site that has been themed as “Health Valley”, focusing on healthcare, fin-tech and other associated businesses. [+]
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Wanzhong Food Tower and Offices is sited in an original factory owned by the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) and was converted into low-quality office spaces in the 1990s, through subdividing the 7-storeys into 10-storeys. Construction of the Yan’an Highway in the 90s further eroded the easement and green buffers of the site, resulting in an awkwardly oriented tower with undesirable frontage and a lack of public space. [+]
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The Sectech Headquarters and Factory looks at a phenomenon where managerial offices are being pushed out of inner city Shanghai to the suburbs, with the assumption of cheaper rents and closer integration with production. Eschewing a typical separation between white-collar and blue-collar workers, the project seeks to create better relationships between staff and visitors. [+]
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The site for this new exhibition center and laboratories was the former 1962 Soviet-designed low-density office/factory cluster sitting amongst a heavily wooded compound. The complex itself came at the end of a period of Soviet-China cooperation, with the importation of technology and expertise of the former to the latter. The architecture of this adaptive-reuse project is predicated on strategic insertions of new forms and voids within the structural framework of the original complex. [+]
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Jia Little Exhibition Center addressed two issues – that of architectural building practices, as well as the rise of global industrial complex, which inevitably results in the increased separation of producer, product and consumer. Both have ramifications on sustainability – the former translates directly to a building’s carbon footprint, while the latter precipitates in an alienated state where consumer goods necessitate massive amounts of energy to be created and delivered to the user. [+]
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