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Through various professional, research and academic platforms, the leads of SKEW and Pianjian are committed to an inventive and culturally sensitive design practice. The leads are currently teaching at the University of Hong Kong and the National University of Singapore. They have previously taught at Columbia, Yale, Princeton, NYU and Pratt Institute. They have served in advisory positions at governmental agencies, think tanks and NGOs, such as the Singapore Center for Livable Cities’s Leaders in Urban Governance Program, Singapore Institute of Architect’s public advocacy and education platform Archifest, M+ Museum’s Modern Architecture Oral History Project, Asian Urban Lab, HKSAR Development Bureau Appeal Tribunal, HKSAR Building Department Barrier Free Access, and many others. They have also been invited to serve as jury members for a number of international and regional design competitions.

H. Koon Wee

Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, NUS
Founding Member, Docomomo HK Chapter 
Founding Program Director, HKU Cities in Asia
Former Academic Director, HKU Shanghai Study Center
Former Adjunct Professor, Metropolitan Studies Department, New York University
M.Arch (Yale), B.Arch (UWA), B.A.(AS) (NUS)


Eunice Seng, Ph.D

SBA (NL), Assoc. AIA
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, HKU 

Director, PhD Program, Department of Architecture, HKU

Founding Member, Docomomo HK Chapter
Ph.D (Columbia), M.Arch (Princeton), B.A.(AS) (NUS)

Darren Zhou


USGBC LEED Accredited Professional
Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, HKU
Founding Program Director, HKU Cities in Asia
M.Arch (Princeton), B.A. (Columbia)


SKEW Collaborative is an architecture and research practice that started in 2006 in Shanghai, before expanding to Hong Kong and Singapore. The first conception of the practice began in New York City in 2000, vis-a-vis SKEW's inaugural exhibition at the Substation Gallery in Singapore. As the Chinese translation of SKEW, Pianjian 偏建 was conceived uniquely for a mode of practice in Shanghai, and later in Singapore. [+]

SKEW Collaborative and Pianjian are looking to hire dynamic and creative designers with critical thinking skills in the Shanghai and Singapore offices. The design team is cosmopolitan in outlook, with an emphasis not only on design, but also on discourse, theory, and engagement with architecture and urbanism in expanded fields. Applicants should be skilled in modelling software, CAD, and Adobe. Our team is involved in all levels of design and construction, and welcome candidates that are able to communicate through drawing and verbal skills. [+]

SKEW Collaborative | Pianjian - Award-Winning Design and Resarch Firm

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