Shingwai Dongguan Factory Masterplan This urban masterplan project looks to the historical development of Xiegang in Dongguan, and its potential future as a site of heavy industry and node within a global network of supply and demand. Even as Dongguan is still a major production center, real estate speculation and China’s transitioning economy has seen production move further out of cities. This masterplan proposes that production not only stay within the city, but that it can be strengthened by creative reuse of existing networks, buildings, and skilled populations. The project envisions a flexible megastructure that is woven into the existing fabric of the city which includes factories and inner-city “villages”. The new additions are strategic and can be applied as and where needed, and can adapt to different functions, from production to offices, residences etc, and can be added over longer time scales.

Shingwai Dongguan Factory Masterplan
Shaoguan, Guangzhou
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